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About the local database

Apps managing substantial structured data can significantly improve performance and user experience by storing this data locally. A key scenario is caching essential data, enabling users to access content offline when network connectivity is unavailable.

Drift offers a sophisticated abstraction over SQLite, facilitating smooth database operations and leveraging SQLite’s capabilities. Key advantages of using Drift include:

  • Dart APIs for defining tables, complex queries, and transactions.
  • User-friendly code generation that reduces the need for repetitive, error-prone code.
  • Efficient and simplified paths for database migration.

Primary Components

There are 3 primary components in Drift:

  • Database: The @DriftDatabase class manages the database, serving as the primary gateway for your app to access its persistent data.
  • Companions: Classes that Drift generate for each table. They are used to insert and update data in your database.
  • Data access objects (DAOs): classes that provide methods your app can use to query, update, insert, and delete data in the database.

The database class specifies the Tables used, so Drift can understand what tables this class is interested in. It gives full access to table(s) and generates code to query, insert, update, or delete data.

Sample Implementation

This section presents a sample implementation of a Drift database with a single table and a single DAO.


The provided code defines a Todos table. Drift supports both Dart and SQL syntax for table definition. While both options are supported, SQL is generally considered the preferred choice due to its language independence, type safety, and enhanced capabilities for handling complex queries.

category INTEGER

Data Access Object (DAO)

The following code defines a TodosDao. TodosDao provides methods that perform database operations, such as getTodosInCategory and getTodoById. This Dao is later used by the repository to get data from the database.

class TodosDao {
TodosDao(AppDatabase db) : super(db);
/// Returns all todos in the given [category].
Future<List<Todo>> getTodosInCategory(int category) {
return (select(todos)..where((t) => t.category.equals(category))).get();
/// Inserts the given [todo] into the database.
Future insert(TodosCompanion todo) => into(todos).insert(todo);

To learn more, about DAOs, see Data Access Objects.


The following code defines an AppDatabase class. AppDatabase specifies the tables and DAOs that you want to include in the database. To satisfy the Drift requirements, you must:

  • Annotate your database class with @DriftDatabase and specify the tables and DAOs that you want to include in the database.

  • Extend your database class from _$NameOfDatabase and implement the schemaVersion getter.

  • Implement the MigrationStrategy getter to define the migration strategy for the database in case of schema changes.

This class may also be used to define database migrations. See the Migrations section for more information.

@DriftDatabase(tables: [TodosTable])
class AppDatabase extends _$AppDatabase {
/// {@macro app_database}
AppDatabase() : super(createExecutor());
int get schemaVersion => 1;


After you have defined your table, DAO, and database, you can use them in your app. The following code shows how to use the TodosDao to insert a todo into the database.

final db = AppDatabase();
final dao = TodosDao(db);
final todo = TodosCompanion.insert(
title: 'Buy milk',
content: 'Go to the store and buy milk',
category: 0,
await dao.insert(todo);
final todos = await dao.getTodosInCategory(0);
print(todos); // [Todo(1, Buy milk, Go to the store and buy milk, 0)]